New York City
36 hours in NYC
I know this isn’t car related, but I simply had to share. I love some of these images, especially the one of the security guard on the Top of the Rock viewing area.
In 2019, I managed to squeeze in a glorious 36 hours of free time between jobs in New York City. It was the first time I’d ever been so I was obviously amazed. I walked everywhere, ran through Central Park, ate at Katz Deli, viewed the city from Top of the Rock, tried pizza and not forgetting a bagel too. Whilst eating said bagel in a park, a random New Yorker came and sat next to me. I think he said he was originally from Russia, I couldn’t understand what his name was, even when he told me a couple of times. He told me he was an artist (which explained a lot). He ended up taking my camera and photographing a couple of snaps of me. Odd but lovely chap.
I hope you enjoy!